August 04, 2022
OIG Publishes FY 2022 Sexual Harassment Report
The Office of the State Inspector General has posted a report summarizing the administration of the Sexual Harassment Prevention Program (SHPP) in FY 2022, the third full year of the program’s implementation.
In January 2019, Governor Brian Kemp tasked OIG with oversight of the reporting and investigation of all sexual harassment complaints within the executive branch of state government. Pursuant to the executive order, OIG reviews all sexual harassment complaints to determine if the impacted agency can fairly and impartially investigate the complaint. If the agency cannot fairly and impartially investigate, OIG coordinates the appointment of an impartial investigator from another agency or from OIG. Additionally, OIG is responsible for training all designated sexual harassment investigators and providing guidance regarding sexual harassment investigations. To ensure agency compliance with the executive order and policy, OIG conducts randomized compliance reviews of closed complaints.
Download a copy of the report