Report Sexual Harassment in State Government
Reporting Sexual Harassment in State Government
Reporting Sexual Harassment in State Government
Pursuant to Governor Kemp's Executive Order, "
Sexual Harassment in the Executive Branch of Government
" issued January 14, 2019, the Office of the State Inspector General has been tasked with providing oversight of sexual harassment investigations in State government. Designated agency investigators who are assigned to conduct sexual harassment investigations now have mandated reporting requirements for complaints of sexual harassment. Please utilize the forms below to report allegations of sexual harassment received by your agency and closures, update investigators assigned by your agency to conduct sexual harassment investigations, and report the closure of sexual harassment investigations.
Agency Designees
Per Governor Kemp's Executive Order, each executive branch agency shall designate two persons, not of the same gender, to investigate complaints of sexual harassment. Agencies shall report to the Office of the State Inspector General the names and contact information for their designated investigators and human resources contact utilizing the form below. Should a vacancy in an investigator or human resources contact role occur, agencies shall designate a replacement and report the updated name(s) and contact information to the OIG within seven business days of the vacancy.
Agency Closing
Per the statewide Sexual Harassment Prevention Policy effective March 1, 2019, upon closing an investigation, all agencies shall report to the OIG the closing date and conclusion of their investigation.